Friday 23 May 2008

Ten (ish) reasons why Polish men are lovely

There have been complaints about my attitude to the Polish male demographic.

So I racked my brains and - eventually - came up with ten or so examples of Polish men being kind, polite, all-round good sorts.

1/ The Sacristan at St Giles, who is a complete sweetheart and always tells me I should wrap up warm and not catch cold. And who started saying 'Danke Schon' to me because he thinks it's English;

2/ My old flatmate, who helped me move in, ordered my contact lenses on Allegro and helped me put my flat-pack furniture together;

4/My current flatmate's boyfriend, who bought us all tulips for Women's Day on March 8;

5/ The random middle-aged rollerblading dude, who gave me an impromptu lesson in November and showed me how to get from the Wisła to the Błonia without getting squashed by a tram (although he invited me to lunch afterwards, so come to think of it, it was probably just a pick-up attempt);

6/ Justyna's husband, who rescues backpackers

7/ G's neighbours at żuławskiego, who helped me when I got locked out of her flat and lent me money when I couldn't get in to get my purse and phone;

8/ Car guy's colleague who helped me with my CV and with note-taking and who didn't get offended when I put my coat on by myself;

9/ Peixote, who showed me around Warsaw and bought lunch;

10/ The boys from the band, who are so cute. If I were eighteen years old again, I'd have a serious crush;

11/ This guy,
who - ok - is a Polish Brit (or a British Pole) rediscovering his roots, is also a dżentelmen and has some entertaining stories to boot;

12/ Car Guy
Even the infuriating bits.

Disclaimer: Pinolona wrote/sketched this while drunk. She will be back to her normal ball-breaking radical feminist self in the morning.


Anonymous said...

ha ,ha the Disclaimer is funny :D

Pinolona do not drink too much in the next week, because it is gonna be freakin hot (30 degrees on friday and saturday) in Krakow... :)

Anonymous said...

I`m on the list! yes yes yes!

Anonymous said...

You are not on the list. Your LUNCH is on the list :D

pinolona said...

Anonymous... thanks for the advice... you sound strangely like my mother, except that my mother would never use the word 'freakin''. At least, I don't think she would.

Peixote: it does specify that I was drunk when I wrote it. I'll resume slagging off my target audience any moment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that`s good enough for me. Life has taught me to be realistic.

Anonymous said...

a lot of polish guys i know get quite upset with the lack of attention from foreign types.

i shall pass this on to all of them.

have a good week!

p.s. this is tom from flowersonafriday now at new scene, same stuff