Thursday 8 July 2010

So very Sevenoaks

An apparently normal scene: a child refuses to hold Mummy's hand and stomps away, hot, furious tears splashing his cheeks. Yet another frustrating blow to his fragile four-year-old dignity.

NO, Mummy! I want SUSHI!!

I don't think we're in Kraków any more...


Jeannie (the other Jeannie in case "Jeannie" drops by) said...

Rofl!!! Love it!

pinolona said...

thank you! Who's the other Jeannie? I'm a bit confused now... aren't you 'the stuff in between'?

Jeannie said...

Oh, oops -- that's the one I use when I'm on *"Moanie's" blog. She's got a "Jeannie" on there, so on her page I use this monniker. I must have accidentally clicked on it. Sorry about that. It must have thrown you! :-/

*Moanie has a blog called The View from This End.