Tuesday 12 May 2009

Exercises in vocabulary

This is a 'vocabulary-building' exercise from one of the textbooks we use in school. It caused some hilarity, and I'm short on materials. The title means 'what do we do in the bathroom?' Answers (with justification) in the comments box please).

Ćwiczenie 137: **

Co robimy w łazience? Niepotrzebne wyrazy skreśl.

kąpać się
......................raczej 'pić'... mmm cold Tyskie, hot shower, bliss.
brać prysznic..... take your life in your hands and play the 'try to squirt out the flame on the boiler' game.
kupić ...................or indeed barter. Normally for toilet paper, in student dorms
rysować..............why not?! See 'czekać' below.
czesać się ...........not to be confused with 'cieszyć się', which is when you are happy about it.
kleić ....................for example, peeling the label off the soap & sticking it on the wall of the cubicle.
zakręcać włosy
................that's what they put the magazines in there for.
prać ....................only when the washing machine isn't working
gotować ............yes! Marshmallows, on the pilot light of the boiler.
golić się
.................unfortunately yes. With pitiable results.
wygłupiać się ...and how!
śpiewać .............altogether now: Ohhhhhh what a beautiful mooooorrrning! Ohhh what a beautiful daayyyyyy.....

The answer to all of the above is 'jak najbardziej!'. Except for no 1, to which the answer is 'częste mycie skraca zycie'. Or 'what on earth do you think they invented underarm deodorant for?!'

** I don't know what the stars are for. It was like that in the textbook.


Halfling PL said...

yes, you can do all of these in a łazienka, provided there is currently nono of these going on:

wymiana kafelków...

wymiana płytek...

wymiana fliz...

wymiana glazury...

or maybe even
wymiana orurowania...

the first four are a nice exercise in Polish regionalisms :)

PS: your English sentence structures get me (and Alice) curioser and curioser... 'what on earth do you think invented underarm deodorant for?!'

Bac after a long long time in a galaxy far far away,
Halfling PL

pinolona said...

thanks, that was an error *blushes*