Left my beloved Kraków now to set up in Brussels but this is by no means the end of my adventures with Polish. Linguistic confusion and cross-cultural misunderstandings still abound. I'm an interpreter, a translator, a musician, I'm learning to cook again and I miss my dog. I think that's got it covered, more or less.
Sooooo beautiful. Lucky thing.
Verrry carefully selected photos to avoid showing drizzle, midge swarms, wet smelly dogs, etc...
My heart's in these pictures,
Not here my heart is
My heart's in these pictures,
A-waiting the drizz'
A-chasing the swarmed midge
A-following wet smells
My heart's in the pictures
O' I'll be damnit an gang tae hell
for becomin a comfortably dry Sassenach and skrievin more of this pell-mell
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