Thursday 11 June 2009

Live and let... Lviv Part III

Because I went out last night in the mistaken belief that my translation was due tomorrow morning at noon and not at 10am (thank God for 2am panic email checking reflexes);
because I naively assumed that I get to have bank holidays like the rest of the world (show me one holiday in the year - apart from Christmas - where more than two countries coordinate to get the day off at once);
because I've spent the day translating marketing blurb for insert name of multinational French corporation here and that actually requires right-brain creative activity rather than just numb, hungover typing...

... I'm going to pass on writing a proper post in Real Prose and simply put up some pretty photos of Lviv. Or Lwów. In any case, both versions provide equally classic punning opportunities in English.


Anonymous said...

Ni ma jak Lwów, ta joj! :D

Michael Dembinski said...

Great stuff.

However, these few photos have only roused my appetite without beddin' her back down. Could do with MORE MORE MORE! More pics, some prose! My own attempt to go to Lwow in September has come to naught, so I can only enjoy this splendid city by proxy. That unique blend of Polish Commonwealth, Austro-Hungarian Empire, inter-war Poland, decaying USSR and struggling to find itself Ukraine... I must have more of it!

pinolona said...

Thanks anon - a quick search for 'ta joj' found me a whole page of cheesy song clips from Lviv...

Michael: doing my best but we're in the middle of sesja now plus work is still piling in :/